“Sif es Souan — Les Gran­des Dunes de Tuni­sie”

Camp/hotel tour

Pure dri­ving fun awaits us through end­less dune land­scapes that demand ever­y­thing from us and our vehic­les. Expe­ri­ence an unfor­gettable desert adven­ture on one of our most chal­len­ging tours.

Tour descrip­tion:

Desert adven­ture with lots of dri­ving fun

After our joint ferry crossing from Genoa to La Gou­lette / Tunis we spend one night in a very good hotel in Tunis or Ham­ma­met before we head via high­way directly to the south of the coun­try to Es Sab­ria, where we fill our vehic­les and jerry cans with fuel for the last time before we set off on the great adven­ture “Sif es Souane”. End­less dune land­scapes await us, which demand ever­y­thing from us and our vehic­les. The start of our jour­ney takes us through the fine sand dune land­scapes of the Sab­la­zett. Sand as white and fine as pow­de­red sugar greets us at the start of this magni­fi­cent ten-day ride on the dunes. In the next few days our path is deter­mi­ned by the course of the dunes. Only a rough direc­tion is given to us…always fur­ther it pulls us in sou­thern direc­tion. Our days are marked by fin­ding the best way through end­less sand hills. Our ride is like sur­fing on waves of sand. There is no pre­de­fi­ned route. Pure dri­ving fun! On the way, with a bit of luck, we will meet Alge­rian desert nomads with their camels and learn about their way of life in this end­less sea of sand and rub­ble, which is so unknown to us.

Mehr erfah­ren…

Our local team con­sists of expe­ri­en­ced desert gui­des, cooks and a mecha­nic. Every evening we set up a large tent and are pro­vi­ded with freshly coo­ked din­ner and break­fast. This allows us to keep the sup­plies in our vehic­les small and saves weight. An unbeata­ble advan­tage on this deman­ding tour through the foot­hills of the Grand Erg Ori­en­tal. About half­way through the tour, we slowly loop around and head back north. On the evening of the tenth day, we reach our camp in Es Sab­ria again. Before we slowly make our way towards Tunis, we spend some time in Douz, the gate­way to the Sahara, to drink a cup of tea, watch the hustle and bustle for a while or buy one or the other sou­ve­nir. Here ever­yone can prove their nego­tia­ting skills again .…… This trip, due to its nature, places dif­fe­rent demands on vehicle and equip­ment than on our other trips. Pre­cis­ely because we will be self-suf­fi­ci­ent in the desert for ten days, we need to make much more pre­cise tra­vel pre­pa­ra­ti­ons. In order to dis­cuss all requi­re­ments in advance, an exten­sive initial tele­phone cont­act with us is man­da­tory for this tour. Of course, after boo­king, you will receive detailed check­lists from us, which are con­tai­ned in the tra­vel docu­ments and are inten­ded to make tra­vel pre­pa­ra­ti­ons easier for you. We expressly point out that the trip offe­red here is desert extreme and vehic­les and dri­vers, must neces­s­a­rily bring a cor­re­spon­ding sui­ta­bi­lity. An opti­mal pre­pa­ra­tion for this tour, would be a pre­vious par­ti­ci­pa­tion in our Desert Pure Tour to the Lost Lake. We lar­gely refrain from sight­see­ing in any form. Adven­ture in the dunes, dri­ving in the sand, silence and breath­ta­king starry skies are defi­ni­tely in the fore­ground here. We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you on this sand-tastic tour. Dive into the adven­ture of Sahra with us … …your team from NPL-Overland.eu!

Weni­ger lesen…

Tour Details:

This trip is sui­ta­ble for off-road vehic­les with gear reduc­tion and all-ter­rain tires. No tra­vel cab­ins pos­si­ble. Cable winch requi­red.

  • Dif­fi­culty level:

    "Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie" to "Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie""Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie"

  • Accom­mo­da­tion & Meals:

    • Camp / Hotel Tour
    • 2 x hotel (if ferry depar­ture time is not chan­ged / pos­si­ble chan­ges) with break­fast & din­ner
    • 1 x Cam­ping
    • Partly self-cate­ring
    • Tuni­sian break­fast & din­ner in the desert
  • Group size:

    • min. 5 & max. 7 par­ti­ci­pant vehic­les
  • Included ser­vices:

    • 1x Ger­man orga­niza­tion vehicle with guide
    • 1x Tuni­sian orga­niza­tion vehicle with gui­des during the desert stage
    • Orga­niza­tion of vehicle reco­very in the event of an acci­dent in the desert
    • 10x Wild Camp in the desert
    • 2 x hotel half board
    • 1x Cam­ping HP
    • All per­mits
    • Tra­vel insu­rance cer­ti­fi­cate
    • Radio on loan
    • Detailed tra­vel docu­ments
  • Ser­vices not included :

    • Ferry
    • 10x typi­cal Tuni­sian din­ner in the desert with our gui­des (costs: 250,- EUR per per­son, to be paid on site)
    • Fuel
    • extern­ally orga­ni­zed reco­very or repair costs
    • per­so­nal expen­ses like sou­ve­nirs etc …
    • Drinks with din­ner
    • All other ser­vices not expli­citly included

Choose a tour date

“Sif es Souan — Les Gran­des Dunes de Tuni­sie”

09.11. until 24.11.2024
1489,- EUR per per­son with 2 peo­ple in the vehicle and dou­ble room. 2589,- EUR sin­gle rider. For sin­gle rooms we charge 130,- EUR extra. Costs for 10x typi­cal Tuni­sian din­ner in the desert: 250,- EUR per per­son (to be paid on site)

bis 26.02.2025

1489,- EUR per per­son with 2 peo­ple in the vehicle and dou­ble room. 2589,- EUR sin­gle rider. For sin­gle rooms we charge 130,- EUR extra. Costs for 10x typi­cal Tuni­sian din­ner in the desert: 250,- EUR per per­son (to be paid on site)
Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Kroa­tien:

“Berge & Meer”

Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Ser­bien:

“Geheim­nis­volle ser­bi­sche Kar­pa­ten”


Wir unter­tei­len unsere Tou­ren in vier Schwie­rig­keits­grade: Leicht, mit­tel, schwer und schwer Plus

Die Zuord­nung fällt natur­ge­mäß nicht immer leicht, da sich der Anspruch an Fah­rer und Fahr­zeug, z.B. je nach Wet­ter schnell ver­än­dern kann. Kon­tak­tiert uns bitte unter info@npl-overland.eu wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, ob der ange­ge­bene Schwie­rig­keits­grad zu euren Erwar­tun­gen passt. Gerne bera­ten wir euch und bespre­chen die Anfor­de­run­gen im Detail.

"Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie" Leichte Tour / Off­road Ein­stei­ger oder wenig Erfah­rung im Gelände / Serien 4×4 / All Ter­rain Rei­fen
"Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie""Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie" Mit­tel­schwere Tour / erste Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / Serien 4×4 mit Unter­set­zungs­ge­triebe und evtl. Mit­tel­sperre / gute All Ter­rain Rei­fen evtl. Mud Ter­rain
"Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie""Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie""Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie" Schwere Tour / Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / Mit­tel­sperre + evtl. HA-Sperre / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten
npl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-icon"Sif es Souan - Les Grandes Dunes de Tunisie" Schwere Tour PLUS / gute Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / erhöhte Luft­an­sau­gung / Sperre Mitte und Hin­ten / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten / indi­vi­du­elle Modi­fi­ka­tio­nen nach Abspra­che / mög­li­cher­weise Son­der­aus­rüs­tung im Fahr­zeug


Die erste mehr­tä­gige Off­road­tour für mei­nen erwach­se­nen Sohn und mich. Wir waren ins­ge­samt sehr zufrie­den, auch oder gerade weil nicht alles so klappte, da das Wet­ter Kaprio­len schlug und den Weg immer wie­der mal auf­weichte. Wir möch­ten sehr gerne mit die­sen Scouts noch­mal fah­ren…

Arno Klu­ten

Aben­teuer pur! Jeder Tag war auf’s neue span­nend und auf­re­gend. Dies wird nicht unsere letzte Tour mit Euch gewe­sen sein. Macht wei­ter so! Steffi, Andreas und der Ruby

Steffi & Andreas
Ich kann nur emp­feh­len, pro­biert es aus. Ser­bien ist eine Reise wert. Für uns das wohl schönste Land und Off-Road Para­dies das wir je ken­nen­ler­nen durf­ten. Wir kom­men wie­der. Also die ganze Fami­lie samt Disco!!
Chris­tian Rose

Geil !!! Für mich war es die erste Off­road Tour mit einer Gruppe. Und ich muss sagen, dass es für mich ein super Erleb­nis war. Mein Fahr­zeug ein ATV CF-Moto 800 konnte ich zum Teil bis an seine Gren­zen brin­gen.
