“Mon­te­ne­gro High­lands”

Camp tour

On this off-road tour through Montenegro’s breath­ta­king high­lands, we take you on some of the most beau­tiful rou­tes in the Bal­kans across wild and roman­tic high pla­teaus, through deep can­yons and untouched forests.

Tour descrip­tion:

Mon­te­ne­gro — wild, rug­ged and enchan­tingly gentle at the same time — still pris­tine.

We take you on an off-road trip to a lar­gely unknown land of wild beauty. Breath­ta­king camp­si­tes on lonely lakes give this off-road trip a very indi­vi­dual cha­rac­ter. The natu­ral beauty of the Dina­ric Alps offers a dra­ma­tic con­trast bet­ween anci­ent forests, grassy pla­teaus and alpine cliffs. On this high­land route we cross the world-famous Tara Can­yon, visit the natio­nal parks Dur­mi­tor and Bjel­asica, Sin­ja­je­vina, the lar­gest high pla­teau in the Bal­kans (average alti­tude 1700 m), and visit seve­ral lakes of breath­ta­king beauty. We camp in places of sacred silence and unspoi­led nature and see and try the anci­ent methods of cheese making by Mon­te­ne­grin hill tribe peo­ple. It will be an impres­sive, over­whel­ming expe­ri­ence for all the sen­ses!

Mehr erfah­ren…

The expe­di­tion starts in the nor­t­hern Mon­te­ne­grin town of Pljevlja, where we will refuel and get our first sup­plies before we drive around Mount Lju­bišnja (2238 m) for some breath­ta­king views over the Tara Can­yon. The first day ends at the offi­cial camp near the famous Đurđe­vića Tara Bridge. The next day beg­ins with an optio­nal 3‑hour raf­ting tour on the Tara River (not included in the expe­di­tion price). If you don’t want to go raf­ting, you can enjoy the sce­n­ery around the camp and do some photo shoots of the very attrac­tive bridge, or zipline across the can­yon (three dif­fe­rent zipli­nes are available). After lunch we con­ti­nue to Dur­mi­tor Natio­nal Park, where we visit the most famous view­point before we settle in a camp­site near Žabljak, the main seat of the natio­nal park. Optio­nally, if there is still time, we can do the 80 km long round trip through Dur­mi­tor — many fasci­na­ting views and two moun­tain pas­ses almost 2000 m high. Finally we leave all traces of civi­liza­tion behind and embark on a three-day, pure wil­der­ness expe­ri­ence in the cen­tral part of the Mon­te­ne­grin high­lands. So before we leave Žabljak we have to refuel and refill for the next three days, as there will be no way to do so until we reach Pod­go­rica, the capi­tal of Mon­te­ne­gro, on the fifth day in the after­noon. During a jour­ney of more than 200 kilo­me­ters we will never drop below the 1300 m alti­tude (the average ride height is 1500–1800 m), and our camp­si­tes will reach heights of up to 1760 m (so it can be quite cold at night towards the end of Sep­tem­ber , with occa­sio­nal free­zing tem­pe­ra­tures). But it will be worth it, because crossing these moun­tain ran­ges will pro­ba­bly be the high­light of the tour, both in terms of the beauty of the land­scape and the dri­ving plea­sure. After refue­ling in Pod­go­rica, we meet up at a beau­tiful wild camp­site on Lake Rika­vac, right on the Alba­nian bor­der. The last 15 kilo­me­ters of access to the lake are really extra­or­di­nary, very simi­lar to the most attrac­tive trails in the Wes­tern Alps. Day six takes us fur­ther to the south side of the Komovi Moun­ta­ins and ends on Bjel­asica, pro­ba­bly the best moun­tain for cycling tours in Mon­te­ne­gro. In seve­ral places on the grassy rid­ges of Bjel­asica it is pos­si­ble to reach over 2000 m on bikes, which is not nor­mally pos­si­ble in the rocky land­scape else­where in Mon­te­ne­gro. The next day is enti­rely devo­ted to explo­ring the trails and views of Bjel­asica and ends near ano­ther excep­tio­nally beau­tiful lake at an alti­tude of almost 1800 m. On the eighth day, we then take the ridge link to the north side of Komovi Moun­tain, before des­cen­ding shortly after­wards to the small town of Andri­je­vica to refuel and refill. Our route con­ti­nues to Mokra Moun­tain, a place where nature has been rich in vege­ta­tion and the tree line rises well above 1900m! We camp at a local noma­dic sett­le­ment at an alti­tude of 1750 m, have the oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence real Mon­te­ne­grin moun­tain life with the ani­mals and taste fresh milk, cheese and other local dis­hes pre­pared by the she­p­herds.…. During the tour we mostly sleep on beau­tiful natu­ral camp­si­tes in com­plete wil­der­ness, often near lakes, at alti­tu­des bet­ween 1300 and 1800 m, so prepare warm clo­thes — even in mid­sum­mer the nights can be cold at these alti­tu­des. For three days we will be in offi­cial camps. Our average arri­val time at the camp­site is bet­ween 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and the mor­ning depar­ture time is usually bet­ween 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mon­te­ne­gro is a coun­try rich in wild­life (inclu­ding wol­ves and bears) but no attacks have been recor­ded on cam­pers so you can relax. To make cam­ping more com­for­ta­ble, you should bring fol­ding tables and chairs as well as coo­king uten­sils for food, mobile ref­ri­ge­ra­tor (12 V), etc. In Žabljak there will be a pos­si­ble bun­ga­low or hotel alter­na­tive to cam­ping — we advise the par­ti­ci­pants of the tour and if you want to inter­rupt the cam­ping rou­tine for a day, it is pos­si­ble to spend the night here (not included in the expe­di­tion price). You will receive a GPS track in good time on how to get to the start­ing point (Pljevlja) from your home town, as well as the phone num­ber of your guide. Please make sure you have tra­vel insu­rance before start­ing the tour. We expect you to arrive with a vehicle in good tech­ni­cal con­di­tion that can with­stand ten days of mode­rate off-roa­ding. This tour does not require a high level of off-roa­ding expe­ri­ence and skills. There will be parts of the tour where we will not be able to refuel for seve­ral days, so you should have a fuel tank (optio­nally with addi­tio­nal fuel tanks) that gua­ran­tees a range of 250 km wit­hout visi­ting a gas sta­tion. All major cre­dit cards (Visa, Mas­ter, Maes­tro, etc.) work in Mon­te­ne­gro (eit­her at ATMs or to pay for goods), and the offi­cial cur­rency in Mon­te­ne­gro is Euro. It is recom­men­ded to have at least a small amount of cash for small expen­ses in the moun­tain areas. The average dif­fi­culty of the tour is easy to medium. In prac­tice, this means that most of the time we will be on high qua­lity slo­pes with only the occa­sio­nal chance of mud. There will be parts of the rocky ter­rain where care should be taken not to damage important parts of the sub­soil (espe­ci­ally if we take short­cuts com­ple­tely off-road, it is neces­sary to watch out for rocks hid­den in tall grass). We won’t have deep water crossings on our route (so no snor­ke­ling is requi­red). Our ope­ra­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion during the tour takes place via CB radio. We look for­ward to this ulti­mate high­land tour with you. Let yours­elf be enchan­ted by the uni­que charm of this into­xi­ca­ting nature.

Weni­ger lesen…

Tour Details:

This trip is sui­ta­ble for off-road vehic­les and SUVs with suf­fi­ci­ent ground cle­arance. At least all-ter­rain tires. Winch not neces­sary.

  • Dif­fi­culty level:

    "Montenegro Highlands" until "Montenegro Highlands"

  • Accom­mo­da­tion & Meals:

    • Camp tour with uni­que wild camp sites
    • Self-cate­ring
  • Group size :

    • min. 4 & max. 10 vehic­les
  • Included ser­vices:

    • Depen­ding on the size of the group, 1 or 2 orga­niza­tion vehic­les from NPL-Over­land and serbienoutdoor4x4
    • Camp­site fees
    • Raf­ting self-pay
    • Tra­vel insu­rance cer­ti­fi­cate
    • Radio on loan
    • Detailed tra­vel docu­ments

Choose a tour date

“Mon­te­ne­gro High­lands”

13.07. until 23.07.2025
1390,- EUR per vehicle, pas­sen­ger unli­mi­ted.
Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Ser­bien:

“Geheim­nis­volle Ser­bi­sche Kar­pa­ten”

Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Alba­nien:

“Off­road Adven­ture Alba­nien”


Wir unter­tei­len unsere Tou­ren in vier Schwie­rig­keits­grade: Leicht, mit­tel, schwer und schwer Plus

Die Zuord­nung fällt natur­ge­mäß nicht immer leicht, da sich der Anspruch an Fah­rer und Fahr­zeug, z.B. je nach Wet­ter schnell ver­än­dern kann. Kon­tak­tiert uns bitte unter info@npl-overland.eu wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, ob der ange­ge­bene Schwie­rig­keits­grad zu euren Erwar­tun­gen passt. Gerne bera­ten wir euch und bespre­chen die Anfor­de­run­gen im Detail.

"Montenegro Highlands" Leichte Tour / Off­road Ein­stei­ger oder wenig Erfah­rung im Gelände / Serien 4×4 / All Ter­rain Rei­fen
"Montenegro Highlands""Montenegro Highlands" Mit­tel­schwere Tour / erste Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / Serien 4×4 mit Unter­set­zungs­ge­triebe und evtl. Mit­tel­sperre / gute All Ter­rain Rei­fen evtl. Mud Ter­rain
"Montenegro Highlands""Montenegro Highlands""Montenegro Highlands" Schwere Tour / Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / Mit­tel­sperre + evtl. HA-Sperre / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten
npl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-icon"Montenegro Highlands" Schwere Tour PLUS / gute Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / erhöhte Luft­an­sau­gung / Sperre Mitte und Hin­ten / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten / indi­vi­du­elle Modi­fi­ka­tio­nen nach Abspra­che / mög­li­cher­weise Son­der­aus­rüs­tung im Fahr­zeug


Die erste mehr­tä­gige Off­road­tour für mei­nen erwach­se­nen Sohn und mich. Wir waren ins­ge­samt sehr zufrie­den, auch oder gerade weil nicht alles so klappte, da das Wet­ter Kaprio­len schlug und den Weg immer wie­der mal auf­weichte. Wir möch­ten sehr gerne mit die­sen Scouts noch­mal fah­ren…

Arno Klu­ten

Aben­teuer pur! Jeder Tag war auf’s neue span­nend und auf­re­gend. Dies wird nicht unsere letzte Tour mit Euch gewe­sen sein. Macht wei­ter so! Steffi, Andreas und der Ruby

Steffi & Andreas

Geil !!! Für mich war es die erste Off­road Tour mit einer Gruppe. Und ich muss sagen, dass es für mich ein super Erleb­nis war. Mein Fahr­zeug ein ATV CF-Moto 800 konnte ich zum Teil bis an seine Gren­zen brin­gen.

Ich kann nur emp­feh­len, pro­biert es aus. Ser­bien ist eine Reise wert. Für uns das wohl schönste Land und Off-Road Para­dies das wir je ken­nen­ler­nen durf­ten. Wir kom­men wie­der. Also die ganze Fami­lie samt Disco!!
Chris­tian Rose