“Spring Awa­ke­ning in Wes­tern Ser­bia”.

Hotel tour

Wes­tern Ser­bia has a truly impres­sive land­scape with seve­ral nature reser­ves, natio­nal and nature parks. This very dyna­mic, moun­tai­nous ter­rain is home to many deep gor­ges and beau­tiful lakes, magni­fi­cent old mixed forests and uni­que eth­nic archi­tec­ture with woo­den hou­ses in an area where the locals have lived in harm­ony with nature for cen­tu­ries.

Tour descrip­tion:

Dis­co­ver the untouched beauty of wes­tern Ser­bia: nature, cul­ture and adven­ture

Bet­ween the moun­ta­ins of wes­tern Ser­bia lie some of the most beau­tiful and pic­tures­que off-road rou­tes, which meet the expec­ta­ti­ons of both pas­sio­nate tra­ve­lers loo­king for a rela­xing ride through pic­tures­que land­scapes and ambi­tious off-road riders in search of exci­te­ment and fun. And at the end of the day, in each of the moun­ta­ins in this area, there is an exqui­site place where you can rest — beau­tiful small moun­tain hotels that offer you all the luxury and com­fort you expect, no less per­fect than hotels in Wes­tern Europe. This tour beg­ins with a sec­tion through the Val­jevo Moun­ta­ins, a vast area of low (up to 1300 m) but beau­tiful and diverse moun­ta­ins south of the town of Val­jevo. We will first take the most pic­tures­que path bet­ween Ravna Gora and Divči­bare over a nar­row, rocky ridge with a view of half of wes­tern Ser­bia before we reach our won­derful 4‑star hotel in the tou­rist resort of Divči­bare.

Mehr erfah­ren…

On the second day, a dyna­mic and varied, rela­tively long route through the rest of the Val­jevo Moun­ta­ins awaits us, ending with our arri­val in Kaluđer­ske bare, a vaca­tion resort that is the gate­way to the spec­ta­cu­lar Tara Natio­nal Park. This route often mixes muddy forest pas­sa­ges with gra­vel and shorter sec­tions on asphalt roads. The Tara Moun­ta­ins are mostly covered by pine forests, with peaks that are 1500–1700 meters high. It is sur­roun­ded by the breath­ta­king can­yon of the Drina River, which we can see from two spec­ta­cu­lar view­points. In the middle of the Tara, at an alti­tude of about 1000 m, lies Lake Zaovine, which is also a beau­tiful sight with its five parts rea­ching deep into the sur­roun­ding val­leys covered with dense forest. In the south, the Tara Moun­ta­ins are con­nec­ted with Zla­ti­bor (ano­ther large and very diverse high­land) via the Šar­gan Pass. Both Tara and Zla­ti­bor have an exten­sive net­work of good qua­lity gra­vel roads, but once you move away from the main roads, you can easily find some more chal­len­ging forest trails. Early April is the time bet­ween win­ter and spring at these alti­tu­des (usually above 1000 m), so our tour will also be an explo­ra­tion with alter­na­ting fresh green and snowy pas­sa­ges. Con­stant light chan­ges ensure that it never gets bor­ing, and the beau­tiful views will tempt us to spon­ta­neous photo stops. As we drive over the high­lands of Zla­ti­bor, our average alti­tude slowly rises, but we also enter an area where the moun­ta­ins are quite den­sely popu­la­ted and peo­ple live in harm­ony with nature. Thus, we will pass many small moun­tain vil­la­ges with the tra­di­tio­nal archi­tec­ture of woo­den hou­ses, for which Wes­tern Ser­bia is par­ti­cu­larly famous, making the tour a strong cul­tu­ral expe­ri­ence. Finally, the tour rea­ches the area of Uvac lakes and Peš­ter high­lands, sur­roun­ded by seve­ral of the hig­hest moun­tain rid­ges in the region — Zlatar, Jadov­nik and Golija. While the attrac­tive peaks of these moun­ta­ins are inac­ces­si­ble until mid-May due to huge snow drifts, we will make some very inte­res­t­ing rou­tes through the lower slo­pes of these moun­ta­ins, where spring awa­kens alre­ady in early April and offers us nice oppor­tu­ni­ties to enjoy the lake sce­n­ery with some really spec­ta­cu­lar view­points and maybe even meet the grif­fon vul­tures up close (the Uvac Reserve hosts one of the lar­gest colo­nies of grif­fon vul­tures in Europe). The last day of the tour tra­di­tio­nally offers a shorter and easier route, lea­ving enough time to drive home in the early after­noon or directly from our last hotel in the early mor­ning if you wish. Accom­mo­da­tion As vir­tually every moun­tain in wes­tern Ser­bia is a popu­lar vaca­tion spot, it’s easy to find good hotels and make a smart choice for your maxi­mum satis­fac­tion. The six hotels fea­tured on this tour are a com­bi­na­tion of luxu­rious, large 4‑star hotels that offer ever­y­thing you would expect from such a place (inclu­ding well­ness and spa faci­li­ties), and some small, atmo­sphe­ric hotels built in the tra­di­tio­nal local style, which means no com­pro­mise on the qua­lity of ser­vices and con­tent. We pay spe­cial atten­tion to the sel­ec­tion of hotels loca­ted deep in nature, away from major cities, to ensure you cont­act with unspoi­led nature 24 hours a day. On all days we will have half board (included in the tour price), which means that break­fast and din­ner will be taken in the hotels, while on the road we will have to feed our­sel­ves with the food we brought from our mobile coo­lers (or stop at restau­rants in the coun­try­side on the days we pass them). All hotels have ample par­king and offer free wifi access. We recom­mend that you do the shop­ping for lunch before our mee­ting on the first day or when you arrive in Divči­bare at the end of the hike plan­ned for that day, as there are seve­ral food mar­kets nearby. During the tour, there are oppor­tu­ni­ties to rep­le­nish food sup­plies near most of the hotels where we stay. The­r­e­fore, a com­pres­sor ref­ri­ge­ra­tor is not cru­cial for satis­fac­tion on the tour, as it is pos­si­ble to buy the food you need for lunch the next day almost every day. In the email that we send out one month before the start of the trip, we will inform you about this issue in more detail. Daily lunch breaks take place bet­ween 12:30 and 14:00 and last appro­xi­m­ately 30 to 40 minu­tes. As tra­di­tio­nal meals in Ser­bia are quite sump­tuous and there’s a decent break­fast and din­ner every day, we don’t think you’ll be cra­ving a hearty lunch. What else should you know about the tour? On this tour, the mee­ting point is at a large gas sta­tion about 100 km sou­thwest of Bel­grade, near the A2 high­way (you will receive detailed direc­tions, coor­di­na­tes and GPX/KML tracks to reach the mee­ting point). Final details will be emai­led to you appro­xi­m­ately one month prior to the start of the tour.
Please make sure you have tra­vel insu­rance before start­ing the tour. We expect you to arrive with a vehicle in good tech­ni­cal con­di­tion that can with­stand a week of off-roa­ding in the modera­tely muddy con­di­ti­ons of early spring. This tour requi­res average off-road expe­ri­ence and skills. During the tour there is a pos­si­bi­lity to refuel (gaso­line, die­sel, LPG) near most of the hotels, so you don’t need to take extra gas cans. All major cre­dit cards (Visa, Mas­ter, Maes­tro, etc.) work in Ser­bia (both at ATMs and when pay­ing for goods), but it is advi­sa­ble to carry a small amount of cash for smal­ler expen­ses.

Weni­ger lesen…

Tour Details:

This trip is sui­ta­ble for off-road vehic­les with gear reduc­tion and at least AT (MT recom­men­ded) tires.

  • Dif­fi­culty level:

    "Spring Awakening in Western Serbia". until "Spring Awakening in Western Serbia".

  • Accom­mo­da­tion & Meals:

    • Hotel tour half board (break­fast and din­ner)
    • At luncht­ime, the par­ti­ci­pants take care of them­sel­ves
  • Group size:

    • min.
      5 & max.
      10 vehic­les
  • Included ser­vices:

    • all ent­rance fees
    • Assis­tance throug­hout the tour from our gui­des
    • Tour guide in Ger­man and Eng­lish
    • 6x over­night stays / half board in typi­cal hotels and guest hou­ses
    • Tra­vel insu­rance cer­ti­fi­cate
    • Radio on loan
    • Detailed tra­vel docu­ments

Choose a tour date

“Spring Awa­ke­ning in Wes­tern Ser­bia”.

bis 18.04.2025

from 1480,- EUR per vehicle
Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Alba­nien:

“Off­road Adven­ture Alba­nien”

Ent­de­cke Off­road-Rei­sen in Mon­te­ne­gro:

“Mon­te­ne­gro High­lands”


Wir unter­tei­len unsere Tou­ren in vier Schwie­rig­keits­grade: Leicht, mit­tel, schwer und schwer Plus

Die Zuord­nung fällt natur­ge­mäß nicht immer leicht, da sich der Anspruch an Fah­rer und Fahr­zeug, z.B. je nach Wet­ter schnell ver­än­dern kann. Kon­tak­tiert uns bitte unter info@npl-overland.eu wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, ob der ange­ge­bene Schwie­rig­keits­grad zu euren Erwar­tun­gen passt. Gerne bera­ten wir euch und bespre­chen die Anfor­de­run­gen im Detail.

"Spring Awakening in Western Serbia". Leichte Tour / Off­road Ein­stei­ger oder wenig Erfah­rung im Gelände / Serien 4×4 / All Ter­rain Rei­fen
"Spring Awakening in Western Serbia"."Spring Awakening in Western Serbia". Mit­tel­schwere Tour / erste Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / Serien 4×4 mit Unter­set­zungs­ge­triebe und evtl. Mit­tel­sperre / gute All Ter­rain Rei­fen evtl. Mud Ter­rain
"Spring Awakening in Western Serbia"."Spring Awakening in Western Serbia"."Spring Awakening in Western Serbia". Schwere Tour / Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / Mit­tel­sperre + evtl. HA-Sperre / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten
npl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-icon"Spring Awakening in Western Serbia". Schwere Tour PLUS / gute Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / erhöhte Luft­an­sau­gung / Sperre Mitte und Hin­ten / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten / indi­vi­du­elle Modi­fi­ka­tio­nen nach Abspra­che / mög­li­cher­weise Son­der­aus­rüs­tung im Fahr­zeug


Ich kann nur emp­feh­len, pro­biert es aus. Ser­bien ist eine Reise wert. Für uns das wohl schönste Land und Off-Road Para­dies das wir je ken­nen­ler­nen durf­ten. Wir kom­men wie­der. Also die ganze Fami­lie samt Disco!!
Chris­tian Rose

Aben­teuer pur! Jeder Tag war auf’s neue span­nend und auf­re­gend. Dies wird nicht unsere letzte Tour mit Euch gewe­sen sein. Macht wei­ter so! Steffi, Andreas und der Ruby

Steffi & Andreas

Geil !!! Für mich war es die erste Off­road Tour mit einer Gruppe. Und ich muss sagen, dass es für mich ein super Erleb­nis war. Mein Fahr­zeug ein ATV CF-Moto 800 konnte ich zum Teil bis an seine Gren­zen brin­gen.


Die erste mehr­tä­gige Off­road­tour für mei­nen erwach­se­nen Sohn und mich. Wir waren ins­ge­samt sehr zufrie­den, auch oder gerade weil nicht alles so klappte, da das Wet­ter Kaprio­len schlug und den Weg immer wie­der mal auf­weichte. Wir möch­ten sehr gerne mit die­sen Scouts noch­mal fah­ren…

Arno Klu­ten