Off-road tra­vel in Pol­and

A gua­ran­tee for varied and exci­ting off-road tours for a long time.

Whe­ther the Jura high­lands, the Polish Sude­ten­land or the Holy Cross Moun­ta­ins — on our 4x4 off-road tours in Pol­and we offer you very varied tours in beau­tiful land­scapes with lots of fun and adven­ture!

Also as a new win­ter adven­ture in a dream­like win­ter land­scape! Germany’s eas­tern neigh­bor impres­ses with many natio­nal parks bet­ween the Bal­tic Sea, the Giant Moun­ta­ins and the High Tatras, Oder and Bug. The high shif­ting dunes of Leba or the pri­me­val forests of Bia­lowieza are magni­fi­cent. Mighty monastic cast­les, char­ming old towns, Gothic churches, renais­sance cast­les and baro­que palaces, but also exci­ting muse­ums bear wit­ness to Pol­an­d’s eventful history.

Cur­rent tour dates in Pol­and:

14.04. until 19.04.2025 (pension/hotel tour)

Pol­and Adven­ture I

Pol­and Adven­ture with 6 full dri­ving days

We offer our spe­cial Pol­and Adven­ture Pen­sion Tour twice a year. Here we offer 6 full dri­ving days with adven­ture. This tour offers ever­y­thing your heart desi­res: moun­ta­ins, swamps, rivers, forests and deserts! There are also various sights to see and com­for­ta­ble accom­mo­da­tion in typi­cal guest­hou­ses and hotels. Our expe­ri­en­ced guide team (usually con­sis­ting of 2 men, guide vehicle with winch and full equip­ment) will lead you through the wil­der­ness on these spec­ta­cu­lar adven­ture tours. The 4x4s should have a high ground cle­arance, at least good A/T tires and a gear reduc­tion. Locks, snor­kels and under­body pro­tec­tion would be an advan­tage. Depen­ding on the wea­ther, the tour requi­re­ment may well be hig­her. For exam­ple, we still had snow on the spring tour and so the stan­dard was Off-road travel in Poland and before the fall tour it rai­ned, so we had mud fights with almost Off-road travel in Poland. As the wea­ther is a decisive fac­tor, it is dif­fi­cult to say exactly how deman­ding the tour will be. The unpre­dic­ta­ble wea­ther can offer tracks with an average demand of Off-road travel in Poland to Off-road travel in Poland.

As we are also moving through dense forests, we are bound to come into cont­act with bran­ches and thorns in places. We the­r­e­fore recom­mend taking a small/medium sized axe or machete with you as well as good pro­tec­tion for the paint­work (pro­tec­tive film such as from 3M or a good cera­mic sealant).

The tour takes place in spring in the Hei­lig­kreuz Moun­ta­ins and the Juras­sic Moun­ta­ins. The first tour in May 2021 was an over­whel­ming suc­cess — see cus­to­mer tes­ti­mo­ni­als. All regi­ons are very varied and sim­ply beau­tiful! Here you can read the impres­sive tra­vel report on our first Pol­and Adven­ture Tour.

Mee­ting on 13.04. in Pol­and and start of the return jour­ney on 20.04.2025
The dif­fi­culty of the tour depends hea­vily on the wea­ther (hig­her dif­fi­culty pos­si­ble!).

7x boar­ding house/hotels B&B
co-dri­ver 896,- EUR

Dif­fi­culty level:

Off-road travel in Poland to Off-road travel in Poland

2 places still available!
1.894,- EUR (co-dri­ver 896,- EUR)
09.06. until 13.06.2025 (camp tour)


The camp adven­ture with 5 full dri­ving days (+ arri­val and depar­ture, 6 camp nights — partly cam­ping)

Our varied, medium-dif­fi­culty camp tour takes you to the high­lights of the fan­ta­sti­cally beau­tiful Jura high­lands as the foot­hills of the High Tatras. We visit with you 2 deserts (and in one of them we whirl up mighty sand !!!) and offer pure Sahara fee­ling. The tour will take you to quar­ries, through rivers and forests, to mys­ti­cal places — known from movies and series — like occult rocky land­scapes, cast­les and palaces, exci­ting caves and a mine.

All ent­rance fees such as the world-famous Ogrod­zi­e­niec castle ruins, the Air Force Museum, exci­ting caves, a typi­cal local din­ner, hot drinks/snacks on the tour, per­so­na­li­zed tour shirt and tour car sti­cker are included. Our guide team pre­pa­res deli­cious snacks at luncht­ime upon request. Local Ger­man spea­king tour guide con­sis­ting of 2–3 men.

Mee­ting on 08.06. in Pol­and and start of the return jour­ney on 14.06.2025.

Included ser­vices:

  • Local Ger­man-spea­king tour guide con­sis­ting of 2–3 gui­des
  • 3 x camp­site
  • 1 spe­cial din­ner
  • hot drinks on the tour
  • all admis­si­ons
  • Tour shirt and tour sti­cker
  • Radios (on loan)

Pas­sen­ger 599,- EUR

Dif­fi­culty level:

Off-road travel in Poland

1.379,- EUR (pas­sen­ger 599,- EUR)
13.10. until 18.10.2025 (pension/hotel tour)

Pol­and Adven­ture II

Pol­and Adven­ture with 6 full dri­ving days

We offer our spe­cial Pol­and Adven­ture Pen­sion Tour twice a year. Here we offer 6 full dri­ving days with adven­ture. This tour offers ever­y­thing your heart desi­res: moun­ta­ins, swamps, rivers, forests and deserts! There are also various sights to see and com­for­ta­ble accom­mo­da­tion in typi­cal guest­hou­ses and hotels. Our expe­ri­en­ced guide team (usually con­sis­ting of 2 men, guide vehicle with winch and full equip­ment) will lead you through the wil­der­ness on these spec­ta­cu­lar adven­ture tours. The 4x4s should have a high ground cle­arance, at least good A/T tires and a gear reduc­tion. Locks, snor­kels and under­body pro­tec­tion would be an advan­tage. Depen­ding on the wea­ther, the tour requi­re­ment may well be hig­her. For exam­ple, we still had snow on the spring tour and so the stan­dard was Off-road travel in Poland and before the fall tour it rai­ned, so we had mud fights with almost Off-road travel in Poland. As the wea­ther is a decisive fac­tor, it is dif­fi­cult to say exactly how deman­ding the tour will be. The unpre­dic­ta­ble wea­ther can offer tracks with an average demand of Off-road travel in Poland to Off-road travel in Poland.

As we are also moving through dense forests, we are bound to come into cont­act with bran­ches and thorns in places. We the­r­e­fore recom­mend taking a small/medium sized axe or machete with you as well as good pro­tec­tion for the paint­work (pro­tec­tive film such as from 3M or a good cera­mic sealant).

In Octo­ber we drive in the Juras­sic and the Glat­zer Kes­sel (Polish Sude­ten­land). The first tour in May 2021 was an over­whel­ming suc­cess — see cus­to­mer tes­ti­mo­ni­als. All regi­ons are very varied and sim­ply beau­tiful! Here you can read the impres­sive tra­vel report on our first Pol­and Adven­ture Tour.

Mee­ting on 12.10. in Pol­and and start of the return jour­ney on 18.10.2025
The dif­fi­culty of the tour depends hea­vily on the wea­ther (hig­her dif­fi­culty pos­si­ble!).

7x bed & break­fast
Co-dri­ver 896,- EUR

Dif­fi­culty level:

Off-road travel in Poland to Off-road travel in Poland

2 places still available!
1.894,- EUR (co-dri­ver 896,- EUR)
19.01. until 23.01.2026 (pension/hotel tour)


The win­ter adven­ture with 5 full days of dri­ving

Our new pen­sion tour with very high demand as a chall­enge in a dream­like win­ter land­scape. We offer you this adven­ture in the nearby Polish moun­ta­ins. This adven­ture tour takes you to the Polish part of the Sude­ten­land. Includes com­for­ta­ble cen­tral accom­mo­da­tion with half board.

The arri­val and the mee­ting are on 18.01. in Pol­and and the start of the return jour­ney is 24.01.2026.

6 x board and F/HP
Co-dri­ver 520,- EUR (with accom­mo­da­tion in a dou­ble room)

Dif­fi­culty level:

Off-road travel in PolandOff-road travel in Poland

2.060,- EUR (co-dri­ver 520,- €)
Ent­de­cke Tou­ren in:


Ent­de­cke Tou­ren in:



Wir unter­tei­len unsere Tou­ren in vier Schwie­rig­keits­grade: Leicht, mit­tel, schwer und schwer Plus

Die Zuord­nung fällt natur­ge­mäß nicht immer leicht, da sich der Anspruch an Fah­rer und Fahr­zeug, z.B. je nach Wet­ter schnell ver­än­dern kann. Kon­tak­tiert uns bitte unter wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, ob der ange­ge­bene Schwie­rig­keits­grad zu euren Erwar­tun­gen passt. Gerne bera­ten wir euch und bespre­chen die Anfor­de­run­gen im Detail.

Off-road travel in Poland Leichte Tour / Off­road Ein­stei­ger oder wenig Erfah­rung im Gelände / Serien 4×4 / All Ter­rain Rei­fen
Off-road travel in PolandOff-road travel in Poland Mit­tel­schwere Tour / erste Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / Serien 4×4 mit Unter­set­zungs­ge­triebe und evtl. Mit­tel­sperre / gute All Ter­rain Rei­fen evtl. Mud Ter­rain
Off-road travel in PolandOff-road travel in PolandOff-road travel in Poland Schwere Tour / Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / Mit­tel­sperre + evtl. HA-Sperre / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten
npl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconnpl-overland-offroad-reisen-iconOff-road travel in Poland Schwere Tour PLUS / gute Erfah­rung im Gelände not­wen­dig / siche­rer Umgang mit dem Fahr­zeug im Gelände / Unter­set­zung / erhöhte Boden­frei­heit / erhöhte Luft­an­sau­gung / Sperre Mitte und Hin­ten / Mud Ter­rain Rei­fen / sta­bile Ber­ge­punkte am Fahr­zeug vorne und hin­ten / indi­vi­du­elle Modi­fi­ka­tio­nen nach Abspra­che / mög­li­cher­weise Son­der­aus­rüs­tung im Fahr­zeug


Aben­teuer pur! Jeder Tag war auf’s neue span­nend und auf­re­gend. Dies wird nicht unsere letzte Tour mit Euch gewe­sen sein. Macht wei­ter so! Steffi, Andreas und der Ruby

Steffi & Andreas

Geil !!! Für mich war es die erste Off­road Tour mit einer Gruppe. Und ich muss sagen, dass es für mich ein super Erleb­nis war. Mein Fahr­zeug ein ATV CF-Moto 800 konnte ich zum Teil bis an seine Gren­zen brin­gen.

Ich kann nur emp­feh­len, pro­biert es aus. Ser­bien ist eine Reise wert. Für uns das wohl schönste Land und Off-Road Para­dies das wir je ken­nen­ler­nen durf­ten. Wir kom­men wie­der. Also die ganze Fami­lie samt Disco!!
Chris­tian Rose

Die erste mehr­tä­gige Off­road­tour für mei­nen erwach­se­nen Sohn und mich. Wir waren ins­ge­samt sehr zufrie­den, auch oder gerade weil nicht alles so klappte, da das Wet­ter Kaprio­len schlug und den Weg immer wie­der mal auf­weichte. Wir möch­ten sehr gerne mit die­sen Scouts noch­mal fah­ren…

Arno Klu­ten